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(written on Hunter Mountain, Summer 2018)

Lost in the haze

of the tattooed and tie dyed hordes

is the beauty everywhere.

Such sun-kissed wonder

of the green all around me—

the whole valley, glowing

with perfect light

illuminating each tree on top.

Each mountain—

formed eons ago—

shows its own shape,

which meets the sky

in a beautiful and ancient choreography—

every move, well designed.

But when I look back here

and my attention returns to the modern shapes and lines,

I’m reminded that this isn’t all pure

like it once was.

The mountain is blanketed

by stonefaced revelers

neglecting the natural beauty

to tune in and drop out.

Do they seek the same things as me—

sitting atop a hill,

looking for peace.

I don’t know what it is

they’re searching for,

but I hope they find it

or else find the way back home

to start their search again.

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